Monday, December 30, 2019

Steroid Use in Pro Sports is Unethical Essay - 1296 Words

When you were a kid, didn’t you want to play a professional sport? What would you give to be one of the best athletes in the world? Would you risk your reputation? Your health? Would you be willing to die? Although many studies have come out saying that steroids diminish one’s health, people still take them hoping to be the best. Imagine if you were a 28 year old who left college early because a pro team â€Å"guaranteed† you that you would play in the big leagues. Yet you just got stuck in the minors, and the only way you could get to the big’s was to take a pill that made you super-strong and super-fast. It would make sense to just take it. But what if that pill shrunk your testicles, hurt your heart and vascular system, and made†¦show more content†¦Athletics play such an important role in our society, but, unfortunately, some in professional sports are not setting much of an example. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in base ball, football, and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message -- that there are shortcuts to accomplishment, and that performance is more important than character. So tonight I call on team owners, union representatives, coaches, and players to take the lead, to send the right signal, to get tough, and to get rid of steroids now.† Steroids are laboratory-made versions of the human hormone testosterone, which aids growth of muscles, bones and skin. Testosterone is primarily a male hormone, though females produce trace amounts. Doctors, for medical uses, may legally prescribe steroids. Steroids for muscle building are obtained illegally; they are produced overseas or in clandestine laboratories in the U.S. For all the health risks, research shows steroids do work when it comes to building muscle and power. â€Å"These things, in my judgment, work better than most scientists believe,† says Gary Wadler of the New York University School of Medicine, â€Å"the athletes figured out how well these work long before scientists.† (pg. 13) Steroids work as follows. When receptor sites don’t have much testosterone, then get flooded with it, they get activated.Show MoreRelatedPerformance-enhancing Drugs and Athletes674 Words   |  3 PagesWith the change of rules in sports throughout the many centuaries, the most advance form of improving the ability of athletes is known as doping. Doping are performance-enhancing drugs which are used in sports. The uses of these drugs are considered to be unethical as it gives competitors an unfair advantage. 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Doping in sports has become a highly controversial topic among professional sporting venues and in the media. With the increased pressure to perform, high priced contracts, increased competition, and advanced training methods today’s athletes will try to gain an edge by any means necessary. Performance enhancing drugs used by athletes today include Human Growth Hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids, peptideRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesd. Main reasons for environmental problems nowadays 5. Religion a. Religion divides more than it unites b. Religion and politics c. Science and religion 6. Terrorism a. Can terrorism ever be eradicated? 7. Sports a. True purpose of sports nowadays b. Sports and Media 8. Foreign Aid a. How effective is Foreign Aid? 9. Migration a. Is migration/having foreigners good? 10. Subjects a. Literature b. History c. Mathematics d. Universal language 11. Businesses

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Difference Between Professionalism And Ethics

The difference between professionalism and ethics is professionalism talks about staying professional within your business and always staying up to par about what is going on within a business. Ethics talks about the study of decisions and moral judgment. Ethics is the study of what should be, what is the ultimate good and how to achieve it. People have always thought that the primary purpose of business is to serve society. Business must have a society commitment otherwise businesses cannot enjoy success. It is a study of human actions in respect of being right and wrong. Ethics is an attempt to discover that ought to be. Ethics forms critique of both ultimate values and goals and the means used in trying to achieve them. The history of business ethics displays a growing recognition of the need to examine the social transformations that have impacted organization, management and society. Ethics is a mass of moral principles or sets of values about what conduct ought to be. Ethics is a written or unwritten set of codes or principles governing business or profession. Ethics is a study that constitutes good and bad conduct, including related values. It has to do with fulfilling the relationship with people and society at large. When this applied in a business context, it becomes business ethics. Ethics in business has become one of the most challenging issues confronting the whole business community. Establishing ethical climate is like starting an endless marathon. The firstShow MoreRelatedEthic And Moral Conflict Implied. What Are The Implications936 Words   |  4 PagesEthic And Moral Conflict Implied What are the implications of ethics or moral conflicts with one another? There is a fine line and some ongoing confusion between ethics and morals. Ethics apply to institutions or groups for example doctors or lawyers. Morals are personal principals influenced by society. 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A career professional is required to discuss with the client the limitations to confidentiality at the beginning and throughout the counseling process (NCDA, 2015). The ACA Code of Ethics breaks

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Intersectionality Free Essays

Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Fall 2010 WGST 304/SOCY 304/ POLI 305/AFRO 398R Section 001 Meeting Times: TTH 9:30-10:45AM Location:Currell College 203 Instructor: Dr. Sharon Lee White Phone: 777-4007(Please leave message) E-Mail: Leesg@mailbox. sc. We will write a custom essay sample on Intersectionality or any similar topic only for you Order Now edu Office Hours: By appointment only Course Description: This multidisciplinary course is designed to explore historical and contemporary aspects of race, social class, gender, and sexuality.Focusing on the intersection of race, class, gender and sexual orientation, this course will examine how the confluence of these identities shape the lives of individuals, institutions, and society as a whole. We will also explore the various dimensions of privilege, stratification, and oppression and resistance as well as racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism and the overall systemic nature of these and other â€Å"isms. † Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes: 1. Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the intersection of race, social class, gender, and sexual orientation. . Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the confluence of the above identities yield complex consequences for individuals, institutions, and society as a whole. 3. Students should be able to discuss the theories about the origins of these intersections and the structures and forces that maintain them and perpetuate their existence. 4. Students will demonstrate understanding of diversity by gender, race, social class, and sexuality. Required Texts: 1. David M.Newman, Identities Inequalities: Exploring the Intersection of Race, Class Gender, and Sexuality, (McGraw Hill, 2007). Available at the Russell House Bookstore 2. Articles Provided by the Instructor (Posted on Blackboard) 3. Films will be shown throughout the semester to compliment the readings and/or illustrate the themes discussed in lectures and readings. Course Requirements and Grading Scale: |Assignments |Total Points | |Four (4) Exams.Each Exam will count 100 points |400 | |1 Reflection/Reaction Paper* |100 | |Final Writing Assignment* |100 | |Final Exam |100 | |TOTAL |700 | *See attachment to Syllabus Your Final Grade will be Determined as Follows: Total Points |Numerical Grade |Letter Grade | |662-700 |95-100 |A | |627-661 |90-94 |B+ | |592-626 |85-89 |B | |557-591 |80-84 |C+ | |522-556 |75-79 |C | |487-421 |70-74 |D+ | |452-486 |65-69 |D | |451 and below |64 and below |F | Attendance and other Responsibilities: This is a collaborative class with emphasis on discussion. Participation and attendance are essential if we are to be productive. With this in mind, please be reminded that University policy allows me to drop your course grade by one letter or more if you miss more than 10% (3 for TTH) of our scheduled class meetings and fail you for missing more that 25% (7 for TTH).There is no difference between an â€Å"excused† and â€Å"unexcused† absence, except in extenuating circumstances. For a more complete explanation, please refer to The College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Student Bulletin. †¢ I will send all written communications to students through Blackboard. Please make sure that you check it regularly. †¢ It is your responsibility to keep up with readings and assignments if you are absent. Please do not ask me for discussion notes that you missed because of absence or tardiness. You may, however, ask me to clarify anything that you did not understand from any of the lectures. I strongly suggest that you get to know and exchange contact information with your classmates. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date. I will not accept late assignments. †¢ No make-up exams will be given. They will be posted to Blackboard for at least three (3) days. †¢ Please be advised that cell phones, I-pods, Mp3 Players, and other electronic devices should be turned off during class. You may use a computer to take notes, however, if you are observed surfing the net, checking e-mail, etc. , you will be asked to leave and be marked absent for the day. Likewise, if you are caught text-messaging, or reading materials not related to this class (newspapers, magazines, etc. ) you will be asked to leave and be marked absent. Students with disabilities and/or special needs should notify me immediately for assistance with any necessary arrangements and/or accommodations †¢ All students are expected to follow the Carolina Creed. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing, you will receive an F for the course. Please read your Carolina Community Bulletin for the definition and more information on plagiarism. A Special Note: Some materials that we cover in this class may challenge your personal belief and may be quite different from what you or I believe. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the topics, it is important that we try to remain objective.Most importantly, it is my intent to make this class a â€Å"safe space† for respectful self-expression and sometimes you or your classmates may share personal information pertaining to our discussion. I ask that we keep such disclosures confidential. Course Schedule for WGST 304/SOCY 304/ POLI 305/AFRO 398R Fall 2010 *Please be advised that I reserve the right to alter the syllabus at anytime during the semester. If I find it necessary to do so, I will make an effort to give you reasonable notice of the changes. Please come to class prepared to discuss readings on the assigned date/day How to cite Intersectionality, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Albert Einstein Essay Introduction Example For Students

Albert Einstein Essay Introduction Albert EinsteinEinstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm Germany. He lived there withhis parents, Herman and Pauline. Einstein attended a Catholic School near hishome. But, at age 10, Einstein was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium,where he learned Latin, Greek, History, and Geography. Einsteins father wantedhim to attend a university but he could not because he did not have a diplomafrom the Gymnasium. But there was a solution to this problem over the Alps, inZurich. There was The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology which did notrequire a diploma to attend. The one thing it did require was applicant to passan entrance exam. But then yet another problem arose most scholars were 18 whenthey entered the institute, and Einstein was only 16. In Berne, on January 6, 1903; Einstein married Mileva Maric. Thetwowitnesses at the small, quiet wedding, were Maurice Solovine and ConardHabicht. After the wedding, there was a meal to celebrate at a local restaurant. But no honeymoon. After the meal, the newlyweds returned to their new home. Itwas a small flat, about 100 yards away from Beres famous clock tower. Uponreturning home, a small incident occured, that was to occur many timesthroughout Einsterns life; he had forgotten his key. A year later, in 1904 theyhad a child, Hans Albert. In that same year, he recieved a job at the swisspatent office. In 1905, three of Einsteins 4 famous papers; about a heuristicalperspective about the creation and modulation of light, about the movement of instill liquids mixed objects supported by the molecularkinetical theory of heatand about the electrodynamics of moving objects. In autumn of 1922 Einsteinreceived the Nobel Prize for Physics, for his work on the photoelectric effect. He did not receive the prize for his theory of relativity because it wasthought that at the time it did not meet the criteria of something that a NobelPrize is awarded for. So when the prize was awarded to him, they said it wasawared to him for his work on the photoelectric effect, if his theory ofrelativity is proven false, and if his theory of relativitywas proven correct,the prize was for that. Einstein died on April 18, 1955. He died of leakage of blood from ahardened aorta. And he refused the surgery that could have saved his life. Thedoctors told him that he could go anytime from a minute to a few days. AndEinstein still refused the surgery. The day passed quietly, and on Starurdaymorning, Einstein seemed to be better, but then Einstein began to have intensepain His nurse called the doctor who arrived quickly, and persuaded Einsteinthat he would be better in a hospital, an ambulance was called, and Einsteinwent the the hospital. On Sunday he told his daugther Dont let the housebecome a museum. He died the next day.